Christian Women Rosary Society

Our Mission

Formally known at Gilman Christian Mother’s Rosary Society, the Gilman Christian Women Rosary Society’s mission is to be a place for all Catholic women of Gilman to gather. Grandparents, Parents, Single, or Married – All are welcome to join in sharing our devotion to Mary and her beloved son Jesus Christ. Through the rosary, Mary is a guide for all catholic woman to live a life of honor and dignity.

Sts. Peter & Paul Christian Woman’s 2025 Scholarship


Christian Women meet the 1st Monday of the following months at 7:00pm: February, April, June, August, October and December.
Reminders and other announcements can be found in the weekly bulletin.


Joyce Belanger
Beth Kipka
Teresa (Terri) Janson

Gilman Christian Women Members

Gilman Christian Women MembersGilman Christian Women Members